I had a problem to solve where given a center geo point and distance, I needed to extract a polygon around it.
Imagine any geo point: say: 41.6748248, -83.6882749 and I need to get a say an octagon around it using a distance of 50 meters e.g.
Answering my own question as I did not find any other method that I can use directly in BQ as is. (So far there is no native function in BQ for this.)
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION get_point_at_a_distance(latitude float64, longitude float64, d int64, brng int64) as (
(select ST_GEOGPOINT(((longitude* (ACOS(-1)/180)) + atan2(sin(brng* (ACOS(-1)/180))*sin(d/6371000)*cos(latitude* (ACOS(-1)/180)),cos(d/6371000)-sin(latitude* (ACOS(-1)/180))*sin(latitude* (ACOS(-1)/180))))* (180/ACOS(-1)),
(asin(sin(latitude* (ACOS(-1)/180))*cos(d/6371000) + cos(latitude* (ACOS(-1)/180))*sin(d/6371000)*cos(brng* (ACOS(-1)/180))))* (180/ACOS(-1))))
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION get_polygon(latitude float64, longitude float64, distance int64) as (
select get_point_at_a_distance(latitude, longitude, distance, 0) as geo_point union all
select get_point_at_a_distance(latitude, longitude, distance, 45) as geo_point union all
select get_point_at_a_distance(latitude, longitude, distance, 90) as geo_point union all
select get_point_at_a_distance(latitude, longitude, distance, 135) as geo_point union all
select get_point_at_a_distance(latitude, longitude, distance, 180) as geo_point union all
select get_point_at_a_distance(latitude, longitude, distance, 225) as geo_point union all
select get_point_at_a_distance(latitude, longitude, distance, 270) as geo_point union all
select get_point_at_a_distance(latitude, longitude, distance, 315) as geo_point
select get_polygon(41.6748248, -83.6882749, 50)```
Confirm with: https://www.keene.edu/campus/maps/tool/
Try to plot the output:
-83.6887005865171, 41.6751427574177
-83.6888769116458, 41.6748247984293
-83.6887005865171 ,41.6745068410117
-83.6882749, 41.674375139197
-83.6878492134828, 41.6745068410116
-83.6876728883542, 41.6748247984293
-83.6878492134828, 41.6751427574177
-83.6882749, 41.675274460803
-83.6887005865171, 41.6751427574177