Is it poslible in GraphQL that one interface extends multiple other interfaces?
I need something like this:
interface A
valueA: String
interface B
valueB: String
interface C extend interface A & B
valueA: String
valueB: String
type D implements C{
valueA: String
valueB: String
The solution provided Is it possible to implement multiple interfaces in GraphQL? refers to one type implementing multiple interfaces, not one interface extending multiple interfaces
The answer to this question when it was asked was No, it is not possible for interfaces to extend (or implement) other interfaces.
The answer to this question today is Yes, it is possible for interfaces to implement other interfaces, but that functionality is not yet implemented in any open source GraphQL servers.
The RFC allowing interfaces to implement other interfaces was merged on January 10, 2020. An implementation of this spec for graphql-js was merged on October 8, 2019, but hasn't been released (it will ultimate be released as graphql-js@15.0.0).
For some use cases, this functionality can be emulated by having types that implement multiple interfaces. For example, consider this schema:
interface Node {
id: ID!
# Ideally we'd like to write `interface Pet implements Node`
# but that's not possible (yet)
interface Pet {
id: ID!
name: String!
type Cat implements Node, Pet {
id: ID!
name: String!
prefersWetFood: Boolean!
Then we can actually write the query
query {
node(id: "sylviathecat") {
... on Pet {
This is a valid query as long as there exists at least one implementation of Pet
that also implements Node
(in fact, the Pet
interface doesn't actually need to have the id: ID!
field at all).