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Simple Lisp Case statement question - problem comparing to nil

I'm trying to use a case statement to make some code more readable. It seems to work as a series of if statements, but for some reason the case statement always accepts a comparison to nil even if it is not true. Can someone clarify why this behavior occurs?


> (case 'a            
    (nil nil)         
    (otherwise 'b))   
> (case 'a            
    ('a 'b)           
    (otherwise nil))  

In the above example, the first instance returns nil, even though 'a clearly is not nil. Trying to do the same thing with if statements behaves as I would expect:

> (if (eq 'a nil) nil 'b)    
> (if (eq 'a 'a) 'b nil)     

I'm assuming there is some behavior about the case statement I do not understand. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Just to clarify, I know that 'a won't be evaluated. I just mocked up this example to create a situation in which the target of the case statement was definitely NOT nil.

I'm using xlisp-plus, but I'm going to try a real clisp install and see if it behaves differently.

Edit (one more time): Installed CLISP and it works fine there. Not really worth the trouble to investigate why xlisp is different. Thanks for the sanity check, everyone.


  • i think that it depends on your LISP version. I have LispWorks on Mac and my result :

    CL-USER 2 : 1 > (case 'a            
        (nil nil)         
        (otherwise 'b))   