I'm trying to migrate my app from Fabric to Firebase. In Fabric dashboard, it shows like this:
Great. I go to migration screen to migrate, but I see this (the bottom most is the same exact app:
It shows as migrated, even though it's in the list of "not migrated" apps. It says migrated by an admin, and I'm the only admin. I go to Firebase (there are 2 possible accounts that I may have migrated it in the past just in case I don't remember) in my both Google accounts, but it's not there either.
What am I doing wrong?
This is a UI discrepancy you're seeing. Your app was very likely migrated by a previous account owner, and they did not give you permission to view the app in Firebase. I recommend writing into support at support(at)fabric(dot)io and they will check your bundle ID in the backend and confirm this suspicion.