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Querying Postgres SQL JSON Column

I have a json column (json_col) in a postgres database with the following structure:

      "event_type":"active with prior experience"

[example of table structure][1]

How can I make a select statement in postgres to return the start_date and end_date with a where statement where "event_type" like "active"?

Attempted Query:

select person_id, json_col#>>'START_DATE' as event_start, json_col#>>'END_DATE' as event_end
from data
where json_col->>'event_type' like '%active%'; 

Returns empty columns.

Expected Response:



  • It sounds like you want to unnest your json structure, ignoring the top level keys and just getting the top level values. You can do this with jsonb_each, looking at resulting column named 'value'. You would put the function call in the FROM list as a lateral join (but since it is a function call, you don't need to specify the LATERAL keyword, it is implicit)

    select value->>'START_DATE' from data, jsonb_each(json_col) 
        where value->>'event_type' like '%active%';