So looking at this question here
"Let A = {0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100} L = {0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100}
Im trying for Q2 and would like to know what Im doing wrong here and even is my Q 1 right
#Question 1
v <- c(0.1,0.5,1,2,5,10,100)
u <- c()
for(i in v)
for(j in v)
u <- c(u,paste0(i,"-",j))
#Question 2
lyst <- list()
q <- 1
for (i in v)
m <- matrix(nrow=10000)
for (j in v)
m <- cbind(m,rgamma(10000,i,j))
m <- m[,-1]
colnames(m) <- paste0(rep(as.character(i),7),"-",as.character(j))
lyst[[q]] <- m
q <- q + 1
pdf("Hist8.pdf",width = 20,height = 10)
for(x in 1:7)
for(y in 1:7)
xlab = "Value",
main = paste("Alpha-Lambda:",
I'd appreciate any advice or any sources which can help me with this
Here is a quick modifications from your approach. Instead of trying to store everything in a matrix, I just created a list of the 49 desired distributions and then plotted them 1 by 1.
#Question 2
lyst <- list()
#create a list of the 49 distributions
for (i in v)
for (j in v)
lyst[[elementname]] <- rgamma(10000,i,j)
#plot the 49 lists
#pdf("Hist8.pdf",width = 20,height = 10)
#define the number of rows and columns (7x7 is probably to many)
for(x in names(lyst))
xlab = "Value",
main = paste("Alpha-Lambda:", x) )