I have a Table like this
| ID | otherID | Data
| 1234 | 56789 | This is a Name: Charlie; string <name_starts> with Name: Alpha; also some more data and Name: Bravo;
here the last column has a string and I need those names from it (there could be many Names), so the output should look like this
| Name
| Alpha;Bravo;
I wrote the following query that can retrieve the first name, but I need all the names and it is not known how many names are there
select substr(Data, locate('Name',Data)+6, locate(':',Data)-locate(':',Data)-6) from myTable
EDIT: Sorry I missed a point that I have to take all the names that occur after "name_starts", before that if there are any I need to ignore them. So sorry about missing this while posting.
Also, I'm using DB2-LUW v9.7
I don't have 10.5 at hand, but it works on 11.1:
'This is a string with Name: Alpha; also some more data and Name: Bravo;'
--REGEXP_REPLACE(T.DATA, '.*? Name: ([^\s]+)', '$1') -- Since 11.1
xmlcast(xmlquery('fn:replace($s, ".*? Name: ([^\s]+)", "$1")' passing T.DATA as "s") as varchar(100))