In Vapor 4 I have created a user and it has "gear" as such:
final class User: Model, Content {
init() {}
static var schema: String = "user"
@ID(key: .id)
var id: UUID?
@Field(key: "name")
var name: String?
@Children(for: \.$user)
var gear: [Gear]
final class Gear: Model, Content {
init() {}
static var schema: String = "gear"
@ID(key: .id)
var id: UUID?
@Parent(key: "userId")
var user: User
Then when I get this data I do:
func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[User]> {
return User.query(on: req.db).with(\.$gear).all()
Rather smooth and simple. Except that ID is being forced to be an UUID while the table in the database can only take the type "text" so I get the error:
"error": true,
"reason": "server: operator does not exist: text = uuid (op_error)"
So anyone have a clue of how to solve this?
The structure I want in response is similar to:
"id": "w32423tsdg3w",
"name": "username",
"gear": [{
"id": "1"
"id": "2"
In this case ID
should be set as String
@ID(key: .id, generatedBy: .user) var id: String?