I have this implementation, using it in a page level 2 submenu. Each level 2 menu has multiple subpages. Each subpage has one image. So this implementation produces an image from each page for each submenu. For example, a submenu with 2 subpages will have 2 images (one from each subpage).
1 {
references {
table = pages
fieldName = media
data = levelmedia:-1, slide
begin = 0
maxItems = 2
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
2 {
file {
//params = -sharpen 50 +profile "*" -quality 100
import.data = file:current:uid
treatIdAsReference = 1
width.optionSplit = 300c|*|400c
height.optionSplit = 350c|*|450c
Would like to have images cropped in different sizes such that image 1 is cut to different dimensions from image 2 and so on.
My ImageMagick installation works perfectly. Am actually cropping single images with it without a hitch.
Without the optionSplit
above, the images are cut to size nicely. Unfortunately with the optionSplit
it simply outputs the images in their original sizes.
How can I produce different image sizes? My understanding is that optionSplit
is the way to go (from the manuals). I read in articles that soureCollection
for responsive images use optionSplit
. I imagine another way would be to use an image register counter and use CASE to determine how to cut image 1, 2, 3 and so on, but am not familiar with register counters (maybe someone can show me how to do this?). And yet another way would be to use a file/image index number but I've tried looking at the manuals for hours for such a pointer and nowhere is it listed if there's any to help with processing. Anybody know a way to do this?
rendering two consecutive images with different paramters will be difficult in typoscript:
your optionsplit can not success as in the renderObj you always have only one file. A bad habit of all renderObj
on the other hand: there is no property optionSplit
. the functionality is build in any wrap property.
therefore a handling in typoscript could be to concatenate the elements, then split them again, but then use different options in the split renderObj to handle it separately.
or implement a counter with a register variable, then evaluate the register to set different values.
easier would be a handling in fluid, where you could use an iterator with the f:for
viewhelper, and then do an f:if
(for two cases) or an f:switch
(for more cases) on {iterator.index}
to render individual versions.