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Pentaho Carte How to pass parameter in Job Level

I am currently trying to develop simple parameter passing process using Pentaho and execute the job from web (Carte). I have a transformation and also a job. I have successfully pass the parameter if I execute it directly through transformation. http://cluster:cluster@localhost:8080/kettle/executeTrans/?trans=/data-integration/PENTAHO_JOB/test_var.ktr&testvar=1234567

transformation level

however, when I try to put the transformation in a Job and execute it in job level, I could not get the parameter testvar now even though I can run it successfully. i also found out that there is no Get Variable function in Job level. I wonder if I can get the parameter testvar by executing from job level in Carte?

Job Level



  • @Raspi Surya :
    Its working for me . You need to set the variable in parameter at job level. I used the below URL.

    See the attached SSCartewithParameter