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Which exception should be raised on unknown keyword arguments?

In Python, which exception should be raised when an unknown keyword argument is passed to the function? Should it be SyntaxError? I saw that Python itself raises TypeError, but I am not sure why.

For example:

def add(**kwargs):
    a = kwargs.pop('a', 0.)
    b = kwargs.pop('b', 0.)

    if kwargs:
        # what to raise here?
        raise SyntaxError('Unknown keyword arguments: ' + list(kwargs.keys()))
        # or ? 
        # raise TypeError('Unknown keyword arguments: ' + list(kwargs.keys()))

    return a + b


  • The appropriate error for unexpected or missing arguments is TypeError.

    >>> def add(a, b=0.): ...
    >>> add(a=3, c=5)
    TypeError: add() got an unexpected keyword argument 'c'
    >>> add(1, 2, 3)
    TypeError: add() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
    >>> add()
    TypeError: add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'a'

    While the concrete type of a function is just function, Python semantically uses the common function type model in which the type of a function is its signature, i.e. Parameters -> Result. For example, the function

    def add(a, b): return a + b

    has the type (a: Any, b: Any) -> Any. As far as types are concerned, it is exchangeable with any other function of the same signature. This is codified by Python's optional static type support as well.

    Calling a function means supplying matching Parameters. This uses Python's rules for matching arguments to parameters, e.g. add(b=3, a=1) still matches add(a: Any, b: Any).

    A call with incompatible signature, e.g. add(1, 2, 3), means a function of different type is expected at the call site, e.g. (:Any, :Any, :Any) -> Any in this case. This means the type/signature of the call and the function do not match. Thus, TypeError is appropriate.