I imported (from file) the new Labels in to AOT ( I see the new file updated in to \bin\Application\Appl\Standard folder), but when I restart the AOS I lost my new labels and I get the empty/previous file.
I tried to deletethe existing file (move in temporary Model and delete it) and import again, but my big trouble happen when I restart the AOS, the Label File (and value too) became empty/previous value.
I use Dynamics AX 2012.
I tried to follow this post: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/f/microsoft-dynamics-ax-forum/199806/label-missing-after-aos-service-restart-in-custom-model-ax-2012-r3/515253 , but unfortunately I continue to have the issue.
Thanks in advance.
I gathered the info.
To solve the issue I followed these steps.
I) Move my Label in _Temporary_Model_ ;
II) Stop AOS, delete the _Temporary_Model_, delete all files in folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\\bin\Application\Appl\Standard) Delete all extensions .ali - .ald - .alc about my Label;
III) Delete from SQL DELETE FROM ModelElementLabel WHERE ModelElementLabel.Module = 'MyLabelPrefix'
IV) Clean auc (C:\Users\\AppData\Local) file about my user;
V) Start AOS and install my Labels twice and check by SQL query
SELECT * FROM ModelElementLabel WHERE ModelElementLabel.Module = 'MyLabelPrefix'
if I correctly loaded (if I have the right values in Text field)
If I have more than one language, I repeat step V , Importand is to obtain in SQL Table ModelElementLabel the right values.
In my opinion, I seem to have had corrupt files.
Thanks all for advices.