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How does one handle infinite values in matrices in R?

I have a matrix that I suspect has some infinite elements.

I have two questions:

  1. Is there an equivalent count function like the sum( which provides me with the number of infinites in the matrix?
  2. I would like to calculate the dot product of each row of my matrix with another vector. How do I disregard the infinite values? Something like na.rm = T function in the sum function.

Thank you


  • Try this, but make sure your input data is of class matrix:

    # make data
    n <- 20
    m <- 10
    M <- matrix(rnorm(n*m), n, m)
    # add Infs
    M[sample(x = length(M), size = length(M)*0.1)] <- Inf
    image(seq(n), seq(m), M, xlab = "rows", ylab = "columns")
    # here is the vector that you want to multiply each row with
    multVec <- seq(m)
    # apply with removal of non-finite values
    res <- apply(M, 1, function(x){
      tmp <- x * multVec