I need to read an Xml file and I am trying to count the numbers of a spesific tag inside the file. My problem is the same tag represents different things when it is outside some other tag and inside. I am able to get total count of the tag but I need to find the count of the tag that is inside the specified tag.
(I find total cac:AllowanceCharge tags by using XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("cac:AllowanceCharge");)
To Find the "cac:AllowanceCharge" tags that are inside the "cac:InvoiceLine" tags i have tried using:
XmlNodeList elemList = root.GetElementsByTagName(@"//cac:InvoiceLine/cac:AllowanceCharge");
XmlNodeList elemList = root.GetElementsByTagName(@"//InvoiceLine/AllowanceCharge");
XmlNodeList elemList = root.GetElementsByTagName(@"cac:InvoiceLine/cac:AllowanceCharge");
I would appreciate it if someone could tell me the right syntax for it. Thank you.
The first looks correct, if you registered namespace binding cac
There is also another way
To select the nodes by XPath, call the SelectNodes
var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
var nodeList = root.SelectNodes(xpath);
or the overloaded method
var nodeList2 = root.SelectNodes(xpath, namespaceManager);