I'm trying to create an annotations prediction model, following the tutorial here, but my model doesn't learn anything. Here is a sample of my training data and labels:
[{'bias': 1.0, 'word.lower()': '\nreference\nissue\ndate\ndgt86620\n4\n \n19-dec-05\nfalcon\n7x\ntype\ncertification\n27_4-100\nthis\ndocument\nis\nthe\nintellectual\nprop...nairbrakes\nhandle\nposition\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n0\ntable\n1\n:\nairbrake\ncas\nmessages\n', 'word[-3:]': 'es\n', 'word[-2:]': 's\n', 'word.isupper()': False, 'word.istitle()': False, 'word.isdigit()': False, 'postag': 'POS', 'postag[:2]': 'PO', 'w_emb_0': 0.03418987928976114, 'w_emb_1': 0.617338281 1066742, 'w_emb_2': 0.004420982990809508, 'w_emb_3': 0.08293022662242588, 'w_emb_4': 0.22162269482070363, 'w_emb_5': 0.4334545347397811, 'w_emb_6': 0.7844891779932379, 'w_emb_7': 0.028043262790094503, 'w_emb_8': 0.5233847386564157, 'w_emb_9': 0.9685677133128328, 'w_em b_10': 0.19379126558708126, 'w_emb_11': 0.2809608896964926, 'w_emb_12': 0.384759230815804, 'w_emb_13': 0.15385904662767336, 'w_emb_14': 0.5206500040610533, 'w_emb_15': 0.009148526006733215, 'w_emb_16': 0.5894118695171416, 'w_emb_17': 0.7356989708459056, 'w_emb_18': 0. 5576774100159024, 'w_emb_19': 0.2185294430010376, 'BOS': True, '+1:word.lower()': 'reference', '+1:word.istitle()': False, '+1:word.isupper()': True, '+1:postag': 'POS', '+1:postag[:2]': 'PO'}, {'bias': 1.0, 'word.lower()': 'reference', 'word[-3:]': 'NCE', 'word[-2:]' : 'CE', 'word.isupper()': True, 'word.istitle()': False, 'word.isdigit()': False, 'postag': 'POS', 'postag[:2]': 'PO', 'w_emb_0': -0.390038, 'w_emb_1': 0.30677223, 'w_emb_2': -1.010975, 'w_emb_3': 0.3656154, 'w_emb_4': 0.5319459, 'w_emb_5': 0.45572615, 'w_emb_6': -0.4 6090943, 'w_emb_7': 0.87250936, 'w_emb_8': 0.036648277, 'w_emb_9': -0.3057043, 'w_emb_10': 0.33427167, 'w_emb_11': -0.19664396, 'w_emb_12': -0.64899784, 'w_emb_13': -0.1785065, 'w_emb_14': -0.117423356, 'w_emb_15': 0.16247013, 'w_emb_16': 0.11694676, 'w_emb_17': -0.30 693895, 'w_emb_18': -1.0026807, 'w_emb_19': 0.9946743, '-1:word.lower()': '\nreference...n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n0\ntable\n1\n:\nairbrake\ncas\nmessages\n', '-1:word.istitle()': False, '-1:word.isupper()': False, '-1:postag': 'POS', '-1:postag[:2]': 'PO', '+1:word.lower()': 'issue', '+1:word.istitle()': False, '+1:word. isupper()': True, '+1:postag': 'POS', '+1:postag[:2]': 'PO'}, {'bias': 1.0, 'word.lower()': 'issue', 'word[-3:]': 'SUE', 'word[-2:]': 'UE', 'word.isupper()': True, 'word.istitle()': False, 'word.isdigit()': False, 'postag': 'POS', 'postag[:2]': 'PO', 'w_emb_0': -1.220 4882, 'w_emb_1': 0.8920707, 'w_emb_2': -3.8380668, 'w_emb_3': 1.5641377, 'w_emb_4': 2.1918254, 'w_emb_5': 1.8509868, 'w_emb_6': -2.0664182, 'w_emb_7': 3.1591077, 'w_emb_8': -0.33126026, 'w_emb_9': -1.4278139, 'w_emb_10': 0.9291533, 'w_emb_11': -0.6761407, 'w_emb_12': -2.9582167, 'w_emb_13': -0.5395561, 'w_emb_14': -0.8363763, 'w_emb_15': 0.25568742, 'w_emb_16': 0.4932978, 'w_emb_17': -1.6198335, 'w_emb_18': -4.183924, 'w_emb_19': 4.281094, '-1:word.lower()': 'reference', '-1:word.istitle()': False, '-1:word.isupper()': True, '-1:p ostag': 'POS', '-1:postag[:2]': 'PO', '+1:word.lower()': 'date', '+1:word.istitle()': False, '+1:word.isupper()': True, '+1:postag': 'POS', '+1:postag[:2]': 'PO'}...]
y_train = ['O', 'O', 'O'...'I-data-c-a-s_message-type'....'B-data-c-a-s_message-type']
and here is the model definition and training:
crf = sklearn_crfsuite.CRF(
crf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = crf.predict(X_test)
sorted_labels = sorted(labels, key=lambda name: (name[1:], name[0]))
msg = metrics.flat_classification_report(y_test, y_pred, labels=labels, digits=4)
and unfortunately, my model doesn't learn anything:
precision recall f1-score support
B-data-c-a-s_message-type 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 23
I-data-c-a-s_message-type 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 90
micro avg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 113
macro avg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 113
weighted avg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 113
The problem is solved. As you can see above, the support (number of evaluation samples) is a total of 113. However, the number of samples in the training set was just about 14 !! which is too small ! and I've just not noticed this difference. I've inverted the training and test datasets, and now, performances are something like this:
precision recall f1-score support
B-data-c-a-s_message-type 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0
I-data-c-a-s_message-type 0.6364 1.0000 0.7778 14
micro avg 0.6364 1.0000 0.7778 14
macro avg 0.3182 0.5000 0.3889 14
weighted avg 0.6364 1.0000 0.7778 14