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Detecting CBPeripheral object state change from "Connected" to "Disconnected" in iOS

Is there any why to detect CBPeripheral object state change from "Connected" to "Disconnected" in iOS.


  • For detecting whether a Core Bluetooth Peripheral object is disconnected use a centralManager(_:didDisconnectPeripheral:error:) instance method which tells the delegate that the central manager disconnected from a peripheral:

         func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, 
    didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, 
                                 error: Error?) {
             print(peripheral.state)    // CBPeripheralState

    Do not forget to set a delegate instance property that is the delegate object specified to receive peripheral events from a CBPeripheralDelegate protocol that provides updates on the use of a peripheral’s services:

    weak var delegate: CBPeripheralDelegate? { get set }

    The CBPeripheralState has three cases:

    enum CBPeripheralState : Int {
        case disconnected = 0
        case connecting = 1
        case connected = 2