As the title says, I need to setup SSL for an app hosted in Azure Container Instances, however, I'm not quite sure where I need to start.
I have a containerized app hosted via Azure Container Instances at the address
. This address is masked by the 'official' address at
Is there any reason why I can't just add SSL to the superficial domain @
, that redirects to the real domain @
? Or do I need to add SSL to both domains?
Furthermore, if I need to secure both domains with SSL, do I need to get separate certificates for each?
Azure provides SSL cert services but I just need to know the best route to take. Thanks.
As far as I know, currently, there is still no built-in support for enabling SSL on Azure Container Instances refer to this.
However, you could have multiple choices for enabling SSL connections for your ACI application.
If you deploy your container group in an Azure virtual network, you can consider other options to enable an SSL endpoint for a backend container instance, including:
The standard SSL certificate maps to a unique domain name, so you need separate certificates for each domain.
You can get started to set up Nginx as an SSL provider in a sidecar container and you need an SSL certificate for the domain
. If you want separate secure access with domain
, you could configure extra server block in the Nginx config file. Refer to configuring HTTPS server in Nginx.
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;