I am using AWS Managed Cassandra Service(MCS) with AWS Lambda for my course project. I am trying to perform write operations and I am getting Response Errors from MCS stating Consistency level LOCAL_ONE is not supported for this operation. Supported consistency levels are: LOCAL_QUORUM. It was working fine a few days ago and I did not change anything from my Lambda function or in my MCS Keyspace. AWS Lambda and AWS MCS are hosted on us-east-2 regions. How do I solve this? Read operations are working fine. Screen Shot of the logs taken from AWS CloudWatch Management which describes the error for my query :
Add a new parameter
{ consistency: cassandra.types.consistencies.localQuorum }
to the query execution. Below is an example of the same.
Before-> Not Working
addtempuser = 'INSERT into tempbotusers (mobilenumber,name,email) values (?,?,?)';
checkaddtempuser_result = await client.execute(addtempuser,[mobilenumber,'NoName','NoEmail']);
After adding the new parameter -> Working
addtempuser = 'INSERT into tempbotusers (mobilenumber,name,email) values (?,?,?)';
checkaddtempuser_result = await client.execute(addtempuser,[mobilenumber,'NoName','NoEmail'], { consistency: cassandra.types.consistencies.localQuorum });