I am having trouble using a replaceable type parameter that defaults to the Modelica standard library 2D combi table. I am using OpenModelica 1.14.1. I am new to Modelica, so I am unsure whether what I am seeing is a bug or the result of misunderstanding.
The following code works fine (in that when I press 'Check Model' there are no translation errors):
model Error
replaceable class DefaultTable = Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable2D;
DefaultTable bob;
end Error;
However, this does not:
model Error
replaceable class DefaultTable = Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable2D;
DefaultTable bob;
DefaultTable geoff;
end Error;
The following error is obtained:
[Modelica.Blocks.Tables: 613:7-613:57]: Function Internal.getTable2DValueNoDer not found in scope DefaultTable.
That's a compiler bug: report it at https://trac.openmodelica.org/OpenModelica/newticket
It seems to work in the old frontend though (which is the default in command-line and can be turned on in OMEdit).