I have an object similar to the one below in C#. I would like to find matching person objects that contain an item matching a provided type
and that item's sourceId
is also present in an array of provided sourceIds
Person: {
id: 1,
items: [
type: "one",
sourceId: 2
type: "two"
sourceId: 3
So far I have come up with this:
var filter = Builders<Person>.Filter.In(p => p.items.Where(i => i.type == "one").FirstOrDefault().sourceId, providedIds);
var results = PersonCollection.FindAsync(filter);
When I run, I get this error:
Unable to determine the serialization information for p => p.items.Where(i => (i.type == "one")).FirstOrDefault().sourceId
From what I can have been able to find, it seems that the Mongo driver doesn't understand FirstOrDefault
(or perhaps Where as well). How might I accomplish this query?
MongoDB .NET driver is not able to interpret your filter and translate it into MongoDB query language.
You have to use $elemMatch instead and the filter can look like this:
{ "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "type" : "one", "sourceId" : { "$in" : [1, 2, 3] } } } }
C# version:
var filter = Builders<Person>.Filter.ElemMatch(f => f.items,
item => item.type == "one" && providedIds.Contains(item.sourceId));
which generates exactly the same $elemMatch
statement I pasted above