Our client wants log files stored in separate folders based on the controller. For example, all logs that hit the Shipping controller would be stored in C:\logs\shipping\ while those that hit the orders controller would be in c:\logs\orders and so on. Below is my ConfigureLoggingServices method. I'm using Serilog and writing to a file and to Seq. I'm using middleware to capture the client user and session ID (stored in the request header) and pushing these values to the log entry with LogContext.PushProperty(). I somehow need to inject the name of the controller into the path of the log file. Is this possible? Thanks
private void ConfigureLoggingServices()
var appName = Configuration.GetValue<string>("Logging:AppName", string.Empty);
var SeqURL = Configuration.GetValue<string>("Logging:SeqURL", string.Empty);
var pool = Environment.UserName;
//string logFile = "C:\\Logs\\" + {Controller} + "\\lis_api.log";
string logFile = "C:\\Logs\\lis_api.log";
const string customTemplate = "[{LIS_User} {Timestamp:HH:mm:ss.fff} {Level:u3} {SessionID}] {RequestMethod} {RequestPath} {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}";
var name = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Warning)
.MinimumLevel.Override("System", LogEventLevel.Warning)
.Enrich.WithProperty("Application", appName)
.Enrich.WithProperty("Version", $"{name.Version}")
.Enrich.WithProperty("AppPool", pool)
.Destructure.ByTransforming<User>(x => new { x.ID, x.Name, x.Controller })
// File Sink - Async
.WriteTo.Async(a => a.
rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day,
outputTemplate: customTemplate,
fileSizeLimitBytes: 40000000,
shared: true,
retainedFileCountLimit: 50,
rollOnFileSizeLimit: true))
LoggerFactory = CreateLoggerFactory();
(ctrl, wt) => wt.File($"C:\\Logs\\{ctrl}\\lis_api.log"))