I would like to set a quote number when an email is submitted. Here is my the variable in the form i would like to set.
[hidden frnum id:frnum]
in the functions.php
function wpcf7_setup_quotenum($WPCF7_ContactForm) {
if ($WPCF7_ContactForm->id() == '3550') {
//Get current form
$wpcf7 = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
// get current SUBMISSION instance
$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
// Ok go forward
if ($submission) {
$_POST['frnum'] = 'test';
and this is the email code to get the number.
[your-name] thought you would be interested in this Forklift Rental Quote#:FR[frnum]
I will eventually have code to set the number to a unique number, im just trying to get something to show in the email.
Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction.
For anyone in the future, this is what i ended up with:
if ($WPCF7_ContactForm->id() == '3550') {
//Get current form
$wpcf7 = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
// get current SUBMISSION instance
$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
// Ok go forward
if ($submission) {
// do some replacements in the cf7 email body
$mail = $wpcf7->prop('mail');
// Find/replace the "[frnum]" tag as defined in your CF7 email body
// and add changes name
$mail['body'] = str_replace('[frnum]', 'test', $mail['body']);
//$mail['body'] = '[frnum]' => 'test';
// Save the email body
"mail" => $mail
// return current cf7 instance
return $wpcf7;