I wrote a code for Amazon web scraping, My code is working fine for all Amazon products but it does stick for some particular products which I don't know, The error that it displays for some products is UnboundLocalError: local variable 'reviews' referenced before assignment could you please guide me how can I fix this issue, Thanks! here is the code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import json
import random
import os.path
import time
import pandas as pd
def scrape_products(response):
dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
res = pd.DataFrame()
# Checking if response is okay or not
if response.ok:
response = response.text
content = bs(response,'lxml')
# Selecting products
items = content.find_all('li' , class_ = 'zg-item-immersion')
for item in items:
# Selecting data about each product
count = item.find('span' , class_ = 'zg-badge-text').text.strip()
title = item.find('div' , class_ = 'p13n-sc-truncate').text.strip()
price = item.find('span' , class_ = 'p13n-sc-price')
rating = item.find('span' , class_ = 'a-icon-alt').text.strip()
total = item.find('a' , class_ = 'a-size-small a-link-normal').text.strip()
reviews = item.find('div' , class_ = 'a-icon-row a-spacing-none').find('a',class_='a-link-normal').get('href')
image_url = item.find('div' , class_ = 'a-section a-spacing-small').find('img').get('src')
go_to = item.find('span', class_ = 'a-list-item').find('a' , class_ = 'a-link-normal').get('href')
product_url = 'https://www.amazon.com' + go_to
# product_url = product_url.replace('?','/ref=zg_bs_2399939011_1?')
reviews_url = 'https://www.amazon.com' + reviews
# desc = requests.get(product_url)
# print(desc.status_code)
# if desc.ok:
# desc = desc.text
# data = bs(desc,'lxml')
# old_price = data.find('span',class_='priceBlockStrikePriceString a-text-strike').text
# if(old_price):
# print(old_price)
# else:
# pass
print('************************************************ ' + count +' **********************************************')
print('Title: {}'.format(title + '\n'))
price = price.text.strip()
price = price[1:]
print('Price: {}'.format(price))
print('Rating: {} ({})'.format(rating , total))
print('Reviews Url: {}'.format(reviews_url))
print('Image Url: {}'.format(image_url))
print('Product Url: {}'.format(product_url))
data = {'Title':[title], 'Price':[price], 'Rating':[str(rating) +'('+ str(total)+')'],
'Reviews Url':[reviews_url], 'Image Url': [image_url], 'Product Url':[product_url]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
dataframe = dataframe.append(df)
return dataframe
def main():
page_1 = 'https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Amazon-Device-Smart-Locks/zgbs/amazon-devices/17295887011/ref=zg_bs_nav_3_5499877011'
#page_2 = 'https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Fire-Tablets-Bundles/zgbs/amazon-devices/17142718011/ref=zg_bs_pg_1?_encoding=UTF8&pg=2'
response_1 = requests.get(page_1)
#response_2 = requests.get(page_2)
df1 = scrape_products(response_1)
#df2 = scrape_products(response_2)
#df = df1.append(df2)
df1.Price = df1.Price.astype(float)
df1 = df1.sort_values(by=['Price'])
df1.to_csv('AMAZON\Amazon Devices & Accessories\Amazon Device Accessories\Best Sellers in Amazon Device Smart Locks.csv',index=False)
if __name__== "__main__":
Sorry for not adding error logs. I want to improve this question and it is already solved!
You set reviews
in a try/except block that simply ignores errors.... and doesn't set reviews
. In that case reviews_url = 'https://www.amazon.com' + reviews
references reviews
before assignment. Worse, rating
, total
and reviews
could be stale data from the previous loop, silently pumping out bad data. You need a policy for handling the error such as skipping that item
rating = item.find('span' , class_ = 'a-icon-alt').text.strip()
total = item.find('a' , class_ = 'a-size-small a-link-normal').text.strip()
reviews = item.find('div' , class_ = 'a-icon-row a-spacing-none').find('a',class_='a-link-normal').get('href')
print("ERROR scanning {}, ignored".format(item))
import traceback
Catching naked exceptions is a bad idea. It masks bugs as well as expected errors. When you print out the errors you get a feel for which things you can ignore and update the exception handler to
except (IndexError, ValueError) as e: