In my Django project I have a couple of applications, one of them is email_lists
and this application does a lot of data handling reading data from the Model Customers
. In my production environment I have two databases: default
and read-replica
. I would like all queries in a particular module to be made against the replica-set
I can do that if I explicitly tell the query to do so:
def get_customers(self):
if settings.ENV == 'production':
customers = Customer.objects.using('read-replica').filter()
customers = Customer.objects.filter()
but this module has more than 100 queries to the Customer
and other models. I also have queries to relations like:
def get_value(self, customer):
target_sessions = customer.sessions.filter(status='open')
carts = Cart.objects.filter(session__in=target_sessions)
the idea is that I want to avoid writing:
if settings.ENV == 'production':
instance = Model.objects.using('read-replica').filter()
instance = Model.objects.filter()
for every query. There are other places in my project that do need to read from default
database so it can't be a global setting. I just need this module or file to read using the replica.
Is this possible in Django, are there any shortcuts ?
You can read on django database routers for this, some good examples can be found online as well and they should be straightforward.
Another solution would be to modify the Model manager.
from django.db import models
class ReplicaRoutingManager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self):
queryset = super().get_queryset(self)
if settings.ENV == 'production':
return queryset.using('read-replica')
return queryset
class Customer(models.Model):
objects = models.Manager()
replica_objects = ReplicaRoutingManager()
with this, you can just use the normal Customer.objects.filter
and the manager should do the routing.
I still suggest going with the database router solution, and creating a custom logic in the class. But if the manager works for you, its fine.