I would like to detect whether there is input on stdin
in a short time window, and continue execution either way, with the outcome stored in a Bool
. (My real goal is to implement a pause button on a simulation that runs in the terminal. A second keypress should unpause the program, and it should continue executing.) I have tried to use poll_fd
but it does not work on stdin
julia> FileWatching.poll_fd(stdin, readable=true)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching poll_fd(::Base.TTY; readable=true)
Is there a way that will work on julia? I have found a solution that works in python, and I have considered using this via PyCall, but I am looking for
Here is a sample usage. Note that if you capture the keyboard you also need to handle Ctrl+C yourself (in this example only the first byte of chunk is checked).
If you want to run it fully asynchronously put @async
in front of the while
loop. However if there will be no more code in this case this program will just exit.
import REPL
term = REPL.Terminals.TTYTerminal("xterm",stdin,stdout,stderr)
while (true)
bb = bytesavailable(stdin)
if bb > 0
data = read(stdin, bb)
if data[1] == UInt(3)
println("Ctrl+C - exiting")
println("Got $bb bytes: $(string(data))")