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How to check id in a string column in a SQL Server 2008 table

I have a table that stores integer IDs of other table as comma separated string column. Now I want to find all rows in this table that have a specific ID in this string column.


     inhdrid numeric(18, 0), 
     inwardno numeric(10, 0), 
     inwarddt datetime, 
     item numeric(10), 
     qty numeric(18, 2)

    Stkouthdrid numeric(18, 0), 
    stkoutno numeric(18, 0), 
    stkoutdt datetime, 
    item numeric(10), 
    inwardids varchar(100)

The column StockOutward.inwardids contains comma separated values of multiple InwardHeader.inhdrid

I want to find rows from stockoutward which contain inwardheader.inhdrid for a specific value


  • First of all is not good practice to store id on string field delimited by comma, You should use 1:N relationships, Anyway i prepared a solution for you(tested) like below:

    SELECT [Stkouthdrid]
      FROM [test].[dbo].[StockOutward] 
      where  CHARINDEX((
      SELECT convert(varchar(10),[inhdrid])
      FROM [test].[dbo].[InwardHeader]
      where [inhdrid]=0), [inwardids]) > 0

    Hope it Helps :) enter image description here