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Get system name of SF Symbol

I'm trying to get the system name of a SF Symbol. Here is my image:

let image = UIImage(systemName: "")

How can I get the system name of that image later?

I also found out that when I print the description of the image, it prints the symbol name along with other data. Is there a way I could extract the name from there?

<UIImage:0x600001d50900 symbol(system: {20, 19} baseline=3.5,contentInsets={1, 1.5, 1, 1.5},alignmentRectInsets={-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0} config=<(null), traits=(UserInterfaceIdiom = Pad, DisplayScale = 2, DisplayGamut = P3, HorizontalSizeClass = Regular, VerticalSizeClass = Regular, UserInterfaceStyle = Light, UserInterfaceLayoutDirection = LTR, PreferredContentSizeCategory = L, AccessibilityContrast = Normal)>>


  • There isn't a way to get images used in an UIImage instance, But a workaround would be setting the "accessibilityIdentifier" so it can be used later.

    let img = UIImage(named: "Cat")
    img?.accessibilityIdentifier = "Cat"
    print(img?.accessibilityIdentifier) // Outputs: Cat

    More from: How to get Image Name used in an UIImage?