I've looked up info with regards to column attributes. I'm trying to perform some insertions and copying of information within an array. The crux of my issue is that I want o nest some actions within a loop, so I need to index the column by a number not letter.
The first thing I do is find a starting point based upon a header name:
Dim EnvCondCol As String
Dim EnvCondColN As Long
Dim lColVVS As Integer
lColVVS = VET_VS.UsedRange.Columns.Count ' finds last column
For n = 1 To lColVVS
If UCase(VET_VS.Cells(3, n).Value) Like "*ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION*" Then ' All Caps when using "like"
EnvCondCol = Split(VET_VS.Cells(3, n).Address, "$")(1)
EnvCondColN = Range(EnvCondCol & 1).Column
Exit For
End If
Next n
This works and when I watch EnvCondCol and EnvCondColN is can see EnvCondCol = "I" and EnvCondColN = "9" Eventually, I want to insert a new column, and this line generates a syntax error:
When I watch EnvCondColN, it is a number, and I have tried changing the dim to other types, such as integer
Also elsewhere, I want to copy information from a cell into another cell from within a loop. This generates a syntax error.
VET_VS.Range(Columns.(EnvCondColN + i)).Copy VET_VS.Range(Columns.(EnvCondColN + j))
If I replace EnvCondColN with a value like 5, then this works. Example: VET_VS.Range(Columns.(5)).EntireColumn.Insert
Why isn't the variable working as a column reference??
Thank you all for looking!