Is it possible to use the same scenario to test different entries, some of them will lead to "right" success and others to "right" failure? In case of right behavior, the test will be OK.
For example, a login connection should succeed with one data entry and should fail with another entry, but the test must end to success.
Yes this sample exist in CI of NoraUi:
Jenkins T1;35000;Rennes;smile;smile;16/01/2050;;
Jenkins T2;75000;Paris;smile;smile;;;31
Jenkins T3;56100;Lorient;smile;smile;;;25
Jenkins T4;35000;Rennes;smile;smile;;;
Jenkins T5;35000;Rennes;noExistElement;noExistElement;;;42
Jenkins T6;35000;;smile;smile;;;2
Jenkins T7;35000;Rennes;;;;;4
Jenkins T8;;Rennes;;smile;smile;;58
You find the number of KO step in Result
column (input data provider).
For example:
Jenkins T5;35000;Rennes;noExistElement;noExistElement;;;42
step N°42 of is KO with noExistElement
When I click on $bakery.DemoPage-<element>
AFTER in your CI:
travis-ci online sample (unix batch sample use SED):
echo "***************************************************"
echo "** Integration tests verification **"
echo "***************************************************"
counters1=$(sed -n 's:.*\[Excel\] > <EXPECTED_RESULTS_1>\(.*\)</EXPECTED_RESULTS_1>.*:\1:p' nonaui.log | head -n 1)
echo "******** $counters1"
nb_counters1=$(sed -n ":;s/$counters1//p;t" nonaui.log | sed -n '$=')
echo "********" found $nb_counters1 times
counters2=$(sed -n 's:.*\[Excel\] > <EXPECTED_RESULTS_2>\(.*\)</EXPECTED_RESULTS_2>.*:\1:p' nonaui.log | head -n 1)
echo "******** $counters2"
nb_counters2=$(sed -n ":;s/$counters2//p;t" nonaui.log | sed -n '$=')
echo "******** found $nb_counters2 times"
# 3 = 1 (real) + 2 counters (Excel and CSV)
if [ "$nb_counters1" == "3" ] && [ "$nb_counters2" == "3" ]; then
echo "******** All counter is SUCCESS"
echo "******** All counter is FAIL"
echo "$counters1 found $nb_counters1 times"
echo "$counters2 found $nb_counters2 times"
ls -l
cat target/reports/html/index.html
exit 255
echo "***************************************************"
echo "** Unit tests verification **"
echo "***************************************************"
counterFailures=$(sed -n 's/.*\[\(.*\)\] Tests run: \(.*\), Failures: \([1-9]\), Errors: \(.*\), Skipped: \(.*\), Time elapsed.*UT.*/\3/p' nonaui.log | head -n 1)
echo "******** counter Failures: $counterFailures"
counterErrors=$(sed -n 's/.*\[\(.*\)\] Tests run: \(.*\), Failures: \(.*\), Errors: \([1-9]\), Skipped: \(.*\), Time elapsed.*UT.*/\4/p' nonaui.log | head -n 1)
echo "******** counter Errors: $counterErrors"
if [ "$counterFailures" == "" ] && [ "$counterErrors" == "" ]; then
echo "******** All unit test are SUCCESS"
if [ "$counterFailures" != "" ]; then
echo "******** At least one unit test is Failure"
if [ "$counterErrors" != "" ]; then
echo "******** At least one unit test is Error"
exit 255