I want to create PWA's service worker file by using workbox.
According to workbox document, precaching setting of workbox is something like this:
{ url: '/index.html', revision: 'abcd1234' },
// ... other entries ...
But what is the actual meaning of /index.html
or /styles/example.ac29.css
It is server root? or, the root of PWA's scope?
For example, if service-worker.js
is served in https://example.com/hoge/fuga/service-worker.js
, and manifest.json
is also served in https://example.com/hoge/fuga/manifest.json
with content:
"name": "Great PWA site",
"background_color": "#f6f0d3",
"icons": [...],
"start_url": "https://example.com/hoge/fuga/",
"display": "standalone"
In such case, /index.html
in workbox setting means https://example.com/index.html
? Or, https://example.com/hoge/fuga/index.html
Within Workbox's precache manifest, /index.html
is resolved to a full URL using the server root as the base. It does not user the service worker scope as the base. (After Googling, I guess it's technically called a "root-relative" URL, though I've never really used that phrase before.)
If you had a relative URL like ./index.html
, it would be resolved to a full URL using the location of the service worker script as the base.
In general, if you're curious as to what a URL will resolve to, you can run the following from the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
to see:
(new URL('some-URL.html', self.location.href)).href
The easiest way to do this is to open up Chrome's DevTools while on a page you're curious about that has a service worker, go to the Console panel, and choose the service worker's scope in the popup menu, and then enter the code above.