Seeking your assistance i've a website laravel based where i need to have multi-lingual support for pages i've the following code to view pages :
<section class="aboutus-content aboutus-content-one">
<div class="container">
<div class="heading">
<hr style="margin-bottom: 10;">
the call function
$result['pages'] = DB::table('pages')
->leftJoin('pages_description', 'pages_description.page_id', '=', 'pages.page_id')
->orwhere([['type','2'],['status','1'],['pages_description.language_id',session('language_id')]])->orderBy('', 'ASC')->get();
database is just like this :
issue is when i switch page language it wont grab arabic language it is stuck to english only to me despite it has the inputs correctly in database.
thank you in advance
it is solved by now
public function getPages($request) { $pages = DB::table('pages') ->leftJoin('pages_description', 'pages_description.page_id', '=', 'pages.page_id') ->where([['pages.status', '1'], ['type', 2], ['pages_description.language_id', session('language_id')], ['pages.slug', $request->name]]) ->orwhere([['pages.status', '1'], ['type', 2], ['pages_description.language_id', session('language_id')], ['pages.slug', $request->name]]) ->get(); return $pages; }
i've replaced one in orwhere with direct session id and it worked.