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Reactive GZIP Decoder

Spring-core 5.2 have codec package with decoder such as StringDecoder that support reactive programing. the API get Publisher<DataBuffer> and return decoded Flux<String>.

I was hoping to find GzipDecoder that get Publisher<DataBuffer> or Publisher<ByteArray> of gzip and return uncomperesed Flux<ByteArray> but i didn't find it.

the only library that i find that match my requirement is but it very immature

any familiar with mature code?


  • I found out that the project above copy the code from org.eclipse.jetty.http.GZIPContentDecoder

    i add the dependency below (managed by spring boot)


    and using the decode method in map function example:

    GZIPContentDecoder decoder = new GZIPContentDecoder(2048);
            return Flux.from(input).map(decoder::decode)
                    .doFinally(signalType -> decoder.destroy());