If I understand things correctly, Node.js client examples enroll users, create wallets and then utilize these newly generated identities to perform transactions. At the same time examples for fabric-tools/CLI utilize identities/users generated with configtxgen, there is no enrollment or wallet creation ongoing. I can make both of these examples running for my purposes.
What I miss is an example of using the configtxgen generated admins/users from Node.js client, creating wallet for them etc? Does such example exist? Thank you for your help.
You can simply read from file, save into the wallet and continue the same way as before.
Declare or replace variables suitably:
let identity0;
let wallet0 = new FileSystemWallet(wallet0Path);
let exists0 = await wallet0.exists(wallet0ID);
if (!exists0) {
let user0CertPemRead = fs.readFileSync(user0CertPath).toString('utf8');
let user0PrvKeyPemRead = fs.readFileSync(user0KeyPath).toString('utf8');
identity0 = X509WalletMixin.createIdentity(mspID0, user0CertPemRead, user0PrvKeyPemRead);
await wallet0.import(wallet0ID, identity0);
} else {
identity0 = await wallet0.export(wallet0ID);