Ahoi guys!
The setup.
Nexus-IQ running on a Windows server, as a service, using the "clm-jsw". I was trying to enable secured connection to the server, but i have pfx file, and i would like to know how i can use that in the config.yml so that server will load it and enable SSL.
the file should be something like that:
- type: https
port: 8443
What parameter shall be (if any), so that server take the pfx file?
Got it ! This is the solution. .pfx extension can be renamed to .p12 As they are the type.
After that just use this in the Config.yml:
- type: https
keyStorePath: 'C:\Nexus-IQ\Certs\file.p12'
keyStorePassword: yourpassword
port: 8443