I want to parse a HTML document which has tabular data also in it using beautiful soup. I am doing some NLP over it.
The table cells might have just numbers or might be text heavy. So before doing soup.get_text(), I wish to change the content of the tabular data as per the following condition.
Condition: If the cell has more than two words( we can consider a number to be one word), then only keep it, else change the cell contents to an empty string.
<code to change table data based on condition>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
text = soup.get_text()
Here is something that I have tried.
tables = soup.find_all('table')
for table in tables:
table_body = table.find('tbody')
rows = table_body.find_all('tr')
for row in rows:
cols = row.find_all('td')
for ele in cols:
if len(ele.text.split(' ')<3):
ele.text = ''
However, we can't set ele.text so it throws an error.
Here's a simple HTML Structure with Table
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Tables</title>
<table border = "1">
<td><p><span>Row 1, Column 1, This should be kept because it has more than two tokens</span></p></td>
<td><p><span>not kept</span></p></td>
<td><p><span>Row 2, Column 1, should be kept</span></p></td>
<td><p><span>Row 2, Column 2, should be kept</span></p></td>
Once you found the element then use ele.string.replace_with("")
Based on your sample html
<title>HTML Tables</title>
<table border = "1">
<td><p><span>Row 1, Column 1, This should be kept because it has more than two tokens</span></p></td>
<td><p><span>not kept</span></p></td>
<td><p><span>Row 2, Column 1, should be kept</span></p></td>
<td><p><span>Row 2, Column 2, should be kept</span></p></td>
tables = soup.find_all('table')
for table in tables:
rows = table.find_all('tr')
for row in rows:
cols = row.find_all('td')
for ele in cols:
if len(ele.text.split(' '))<3:
<title>HTML Tables</title>
<table border="1">
<td><p><span>Row 1, Column 1, This should be kept because it has more than two tokens</span></p></td>
<td><p><span>Row 2, Column 1, should be kept</span></p></td>
<td><p><span>Row 2, Column 2, should be kept</span></p></td>