I am using Sequel Pro and want to access my local Postgres DB.
When I get prompted in sequel pro to add connection details for my db I oblige:
And then when I click connect I get:
I am on a mac running Catalina 10.15.3.
The database I am running is a postgres installed with brew. When I run brew services list
I get:
My application (a laravel application using laravel valet) can access the database.
What can be wrong? I have some thoughts...
If I enter my db and type: select inet_server_addr( ), inet_server_port( );
I get this output:
inet_server_addr | inet_server_port
(1 row)
And I think that I should get at least in the inet_server_addr
I don't know if this is a hint of where the error might be or not.
So, to summarize. My thoughts go in the direction that I am not running the postgres server 100% correctly... BUT i still think it is strange that my app can access the db but not Sequel Pro...
If I typ in my browser I get a 404 - Not Found
How do I do to be able to access my local postgres with Sequel Pro?
As a_horse_with_no_name pointed out in the comments, the website states that Sequel Pro is for MySQL databases, not Postgres:
"Sequel Pro is a fast, easy-to-use Mac database management application for working with MySQL databases."