Is it possible to have multiple different subdocuments is Mongoose ? I'm creating app for online tests , and each test will have questions array containing different question types , for example true/false , multiple choice, matching and etc ... I want to create different questions schemas and questions array to contain them all. For example questions: [QuestionSchema1, QuestionSchema2]
. Is it possible to do so ?
Schema example with basic question type down below. And what if i want do add different type of question for this test ?
const testSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String
level: {
type: String
questions: [
id: {
type: String
question: {
type: String
answers: [
id: {
type: String
answer: {
type: String
validAnswerId: {
type: String
If you really want to do this with subdocuments you can just type the the questions as an object array and put whatever you want inside it:
questions: [{
type: Object
If you are fine with creating multiple collections you can use mongooses refPath
to do this with stricter schemas:
questions: [{
question: {
type: ObjectId,
refPath: 'questions.questionType'
questionType: {
type: String,
enum: ['MultipleChoice', 'Matching', ...]
Then you can create all the different schemas you want for your questions and add their models (like 'MultipleChoice'
and 'Matching'
) to the questionType
enum. Afterwards when you need to access the questions you just populate them with .populate('questions')
on the query object.