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Is there a way to assign pod-network-cidr in kubeadm after initialization?

I used kubeadm to initialize my K8 master. However, I missed the --pod-network-cidr= flag to be used with flannel. Is there a way (or a config file) I can modify to reflect this subnet without carrying out the re-init process again?


  • Override PodCIDR parameter on the all k8s Node resource with a IP source range

    $ kubectl edit nodes nodename

    Replace "Network" field under net-conf.json header in the relevant Flannel ConfigMap with a new network IP range:

    $ kubectl edit cm kube-flannel-cfg -n kube-system
    net-conf.json: | { "Network": "", "Backend": { "Type": "vxlan" } }

    Wipe current CNI network interfaces remaining the old network pool:

    $ sudo ip link del cni0; sudo ip link del flannel.1

    Re-spawn Flannel and CoreDNS pods respectively:

    $ kubectl delete pod --selector=app=flannel -n kube-system
    $ kubectl delete pod --selector=k8s-app=kube-dns -n kube-system

    Wait until CoreDNS pods obtain IP address from a new network pool. Keep in mind that your custom Pods will still retain the old IP addresses inside containers unless you re-create them manually as well