I'm using PayPal Smart Buttons for a food online delivery/pickup solution, and expect PayPal to send the order detail (=list of ordered items) to the restaurant.
PayPal Sandbox does this in mails with subjects like "Zahlung erhalten von info@example.tld" (payment received from info@example.tld).
Problem: For the live system, PayPal instead sends mails with subjects like "€21,60 EUR von Name steht als vorgemerktes Guthaben zur Verfügung" (You received 21.60 EUR from name as reserved credit). These mails only say that PayPal keeps the money for 21 days - and the do not contain the list of ordered items - only the sender, date, amount, fee and transaction code.
What do I have to do that the receiving restaurant gets informed of what is ordered - without logging in into PayPal?
If these are transactions that you are capturing via API, you can send an email at capture time.
If you are not capturing via API, you could create a Webhook or IPN listener.
Either way you need to send your own email once you have knowledge of the transaction. You can choose whether to send it in 100% of cases or only when the status is held. Probably best to send it in 100% of cases and have the receiving restaurant get used to this type of notification directly from you.