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Databricks - explode JSON from SQL column with PySpark

New to Databricks. Have a SQL database table that I am creating a dataframe from. One of the columns is a JSON string. I need to explode the nested JSON into multiple columns. Have used this post and this post to get me to where I am at now.

Example JSON:

{ "Module": { "PCBA Serial Number": "G7456789", "Manufacturing Designator": "DISNEY", "Firmware Version": "0.0.0", "Hardware Revision": "46858", "Manufacturing Date": "10/17/2018 4:04:25 PM", "Test Result": "Fail", "Test Start Time": "10/22/2018 6:14:14 AM", "Test End Time": "10/22/2018 6:16:11 AM" }

Code so far:

    #define schema 
         schema = StructType(
              StructField('PCBA Serial Number',StringType,True),
              StructField('Manufacturing Designator',StringType,True),
              StructField('Firmware Version',StringType,True),
              StructField('Hardware Revision',StringType,True),
              StructField('Test Result',StringType,True),
              StructField('Test Start Time',StringType,True),
              StructField('Test End Time',StringType,True))), True) ,True),
            StructField('Test Results',StringType(),True),
            StructField('HVM Code Errors',StringType(),True)

#use from_json to explode json by applying it to column
        df.withColumn("ActivityName", from_json("ActivityName", schema))\


    SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  File "<command-1632344621139040>", line 10
    StructField('PCBA Serial Number',StringType,True),
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


  • As you are using pyspark then types should be StringType() instead of StringType and remove Seq replace it with []

    schema = StructType([StructField('Module',ArrayType(StructType([
        StructField('PCBA Serial Number',StringType(),True),
        StructField('Manufacturing Designator',StringType(),True),
        StructField('Firmware Version',StringType(),True),
        StructField('Hardware Revision',StringType(),True),
        StructField('Test Result',StringType(),True),
        StructField('Test Start Time',StringType(),True),
        StructField('Test End Time',StringType(),True)])), True),
    StructField('Test Results',StringType(),True),
    StructField('HVM Code Errors',StringType(),True)])