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Livecode "send" with argument that has quotes

I want to do this:

Send "MenuPick " & quote & ShortForm & quote to stack "Abbrevs"

The stack "Abbrevs" has a handler MenuPick that does the usual menu-picking thing. This works fine except for a ShortForm argument that has an embedded quote.

How can I send an argument with an embedded double-quote?

These don't work:

  • Quoting the string again
  • Changing the quote to two quotes
  • Escaping the quote with a backslash


  • Okay, I struggled with this some more and found that the arg can be evaluated during the Send like this:

    Put "Send " & quote & "MenuPick ShortForm" \
            & quote & " to stack " & quote & "Abbrevs" \
            & quote into MyCmd
    Do MyCmd