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Bot fails to authenticate after restart with saved conversation reference and calling trustServiceUrl

After a user installs my Teams app and bot I capture the initial conversation event and send a notification to the users main channel using that reference.

However, if I restart my server and run the same code, I get an error that the bot is not authorized.

I am calling MicrosoftAppCredentials.trustedServiceUrl() right before calling turnContext.sendActivity() as specified in the docs . And calling MicrosoftAppCredentials.isTrustedServiceUrl returns true right before I call turnContext.sendActivity.

I basically copied the code from this project for my implementation.

{ Error: Authorization has been denied for this request.
    at new RestError (...../node_modules/@azure/ms-rest-js/lib/restError.ts:18:5)
    at ..../node_modules/@azure/ms-rest-js/lib/policies/deserializationPolicy.ts:117:27
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:229:7)
  code: undefined,
  statusCode: 401,
   WebResource {
     streamResponseBody: false,
     url: '{convo ID}{activiyID}',
     method: 'POST',
     headers: HttpHeaders { _headersMap: [Object] },
     body: '{"type":"message","serviceUrl":"","channelId":"msteams","from":{"id":"{ID}","name":"CrossLead Dev Local"},"conversation":{"isGroup":true,"conversationType":"channel","id":"{ID}","tenantId":"{ID}"},"recipient":{"id":"{ID}","aadObjectId":"{ID}"},"text":"The bot encountered an error or bug.","inputHint":"acceptingInput","replyToId":"{ID}"}',
     query: undefined,
     formData: undefined,
     withCredentials: false,
     abortSignal: undefined,
     timeout: 0,
     onUploadProgress: undefined,
     onDownloadProgress: undefined,
      { httpMethod: 'POST',
        path: 'v3/conversations/{conversationId}/activities/{activityId}',
        urlParameters: [Array],
        requestBody: [Object],
        responses: [Object],
        serializer: [Object] } },
   { body: '{"message":"Authorization has been denied for this request."}',
     headers: HttpHeaders { _headersMap: [Object] },
     status: 401 },
  body: { message: 'Authorization has been denied for this request.' } }

This is still my proof of concept implementation so all the values are hardcoded to make it easier.

const msBotAdapter = new BotFrameworkAdapter({
  appId: {ID as string}
  appPassword:  {ID as string},

//Some people also said to do this, but never used it anywhere. It doesn't seem to help
const msCreditials = new MicrosoftAppCredentials(
  {ID as string},
  {ID as string}

//Save Conversation Reference from when the app was installed into teams
const conversationReference: {
  [key: string]: Partial<ConversationReference>;
} = { 
    activityId: '{activity ID}',
    user: {
      aadObjectId: '{ID}',
    bot: {
      id: '{Bot Id}',
      name: '{Bot Name}',
    conversation: {
      isGroup: true,
      conversationType: 'channel',
      tenantId: '{tenant ID}',
      id: '19:{ID}',
    channelId: 'msteams',
    serviceUrl: '',

const postMessage = async () => {
      await msBotAdapter.continueConversation(
        conversationReference as any,
        async turnContext => {
          // If you encounter permission-related errors when sending this message, see
          await turnContext.sendActivity('test message');


  • Turns out the botbuilder dependency was outdated. I was running 4.7.2 and the latest is 4.8.0. It's worrying that such a minor version release will render past versions useless and without any notice.