module Practice where
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
class TooMany a where
tooMany :: a -> Bool
instance TooMany Int where
tooMany n = n > 42
newtype Goats =
Goats Int deriving (Eq, Show)
--What I load into the playground
tooMany (Goats 17)
--the error I get: " No instance for (TooMany Goats) arising from a use of ‘tooMany’ "
I believe that this code should work but is not working because I am using Haskell For Mac which may use different notation for pragmas.
When you use GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, you still need to specify what instances you want to "borrow" from the wrapped type in the deriving
clause, so you define the Goat
type with:
newtype Goats = Goats Int deriving (Eq, Show, TooMany)
Note that, like @RobinZigmond says, you need to define the pragmas at the top of the file, so:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Practice where
class TooMany a where
tooMany :: a -> Bool
instance TooMany Int where
tooMany n = n > 42
newtype Goats = Goats Int deriving (Eq, Show, TooMany)
In GHCi, we can then query, for example:
*Practice> tooMany (Goats 12)
Although I did this experiment on a Linux machine, I would be very surprised that a this does not work on a different platform. Especially since such language extensions have not much to do with the platform they run on. Language extensions are usually platform-indepdent, hence like @DanielWagner says, adding the type class in the deriving
should be done on all platforms.