I have a windows server 2012 with bitvise ssh server installed on it, beside git and git bash, I have set up a virtual user and git it full permission over a folder contains a git repository (Let's call it GR).
Now when I open the server via remove desktop connection and open GR folder using cmd and perform git pull
everything works as expected and I get the latest commits. but When I connect to the server via ssh client and change the directory cd
to GR folder and perform git pull
the execution hangs forever and it's not working.
I tried to change bitvise to PowerShell but I got the same result, so anyone could help me on how am I going to run git pull
command over ssh on windows server.
Note: I change the ssh default port for windows server bitvise
but It didn't work
I managed to solve the issue as follows:
19:07:59.137016 run-command.c:643 trace: run_command: git-credential-manager get
git clone https://username:token@gitlab.com/user/repo.git