I have a pipe in folder app/pipes/safepipe
If I call this pipe in app/home
, it works.
Note: I have imported and declared it in home.module.ts
If I don't use this pipe onhome page
and try to use in a page created at app/modals/viewdreportmodal
, I get error
Note: I am using this modal page
on home page
The pipe 'safe2' could not be found ("
{{daily_report_desc }}
<span [innerHtml]="[ERROR ->]daily_report_desc | safe2: 'html'">{{daily_report_desc}}</span>
"): ng:///HomePageModule/ViewdreportmodalPage.html@17:25
I can't figure out why the compiler doesn't recognize my pipe in the modal page.
Option 1 -You have to import the pipe in app.module.ts or the module that is inside app/modals.
Option 2- you can export the home module and import it in module inside app/modals.
In home.module.ts just like the img below export your pipe and in viewdreportmodal.module.ts import your home module