I am setting up my database connection using a MEVN stack but I am getting the following error;
The `uri` parameter to `openUri()` must be a string, got "undefined"
If I try console log process.env.DATABASE_URL it just returns undefined. What have I done wrong here's my code;
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import Express from 'express';
import Mongoose from 'mongoose';
const app = Express();
Mongoose.connect(process.env.DATABASE_URL, { useNewUrlParser: true });
app.listen(3000, () => {
// console.log(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
console.log('server started on port 3000');
I removed my password for obvious reasons
You have to create a .env file in the root dir of your application. in the .env file you should have key value separate by equal sign. As example:
DATABASE_URL=bar:[email protected]
As the documentation states: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv