I am trying to play an MP4 test video.
My /home/vagrant/Code/example/public/hls_hls.keyInfo
My /home/vagrant/Code/example/public/hls_hls.key
was generated using PHP: hex2bin('467216aae8a26fb699080812628031955e304a66e9e4480f9b70d31d8fe94e9a')
The ffmpeg command for encrypting the video as HLS playlist with "ts" files:
'/usr/bin/ffmpeg' '-y' '-i' 'storage/app/sample_media2/2020-02-27/Sample_Videos_5.mp4'
'-c:v' 'libx264' '-s:v' '1920x1080' '-crf' '20' '-sc_threshold' '0' '-g' '48'
'-keyint_min' '48' '-hls_list_size' '0'
'-hls_time' '10' '-hls_allow_cache' '0' '-b:v' '4889k' '-maxrate' '5866k'
'-hls_segment_type' 'mpegts' '-hls_fmp4_init_filename' 'output_init.mp4'
'-hls_segment_filename' 'storage/app/public/test/output_1080p_%04d.ts'
'-hls_key_info_file' '/home/vagrant/Code/example/public/hls_hls.keyInfo'
'-strict' '-2' '-threads' '12' 'storage/app/public/test/output_1080p.m3u8'
Then, I know from https://caniuse.com/#search=hls that Windows Chrome won't be able to play the HLS video without a library, so I use https://github.com/video-dev/hls.js/, and Windows Chrome successfully plays the encrypted video!
However, iOS Safari is unable to play it (with or without the hls.js library).
On iOS Safari, when I try to play the video, I see just a quick glimpse (less than a second) where the screen shows 0:15, so it must be reading and decrypting enough to know the correct duration of the video.
So, to debug, I log events:
const nativeHlsEvents = ['play', 'playing', 'abort', 'error', 'canplaythrough', 'waiting', 'loadeddata', 'loadstart', 'progress', 'timeupdate', 'volumechange'];
$.each(nativeHlsEvents, function (i, eventType) {
video.addEventListener(eventType, (event) => {//https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement
console.log(eventType, event);
if (eventType === 'error') {
I see in the console log:
loadstart, {"isTrusted":true}
progress, {"isTrusted":true}
play, {"isTrusted":true}
waiting, {"isTrusted":true}
error, {"isTrusted":true}
video.error, {}
I don't know how to find more details about the error.
Note that even though Windows Chrome successfully plays the video, it too shows warnings in the console log:
{"type":"mediaError","details":"fragParsingError","fatal":false,"reason":"TS packet did not start with 0x47","frag":{"...
{"type":"mediaError","details":"fragParsingError","fatal":false,"reason":"no audio/video samples found","frag":{...
Where is my problem?
I would need to buy a newer iPhone.
I see at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone_6#Software and https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/supported-iphone-models-iphe3fa5df43/ios that “6s” is the oldest hardware that iOS 13 supports, and https://caniuse.com/#search=hls says HLS needs >=13.2.