my project is organized as a Gradle multi-project build with five Java modules/sub-projects. When building them, it results in five different JAR artifacts.
Four of those artifacts contain helper classes or small, isolated portions of code doing very specific things (for example efficient graph search that is optimised towards my specific use case domain). Only one project is the "main" artifiact that makes sense to use in a standalone way, but all five artifacts are required for it to run.
I would like to make this core artifact available to users, and I have been successful in uploading all five artifacts to a Bintray account. When mirroring to JCenter, I have two concerns:
(potential duplicate that does not contain a solution apart from "I work at Bintray and I fixed it for you in our system!": Linking Bintray Package to JCenter)
Thanks! - Gregor
I hope I can answer all.
- Do I have to actively link all 5 projects to JCenter, or is there a way to only expose the "core" artifact to the general public?
As the other answer you have attached says, it is linked on path level, this means that if you include org/worldcubeassociation/tnoodle/lib-scrambles/
as the path, then only those modules will be linked to Jcenter.
- What does the "Is Pom Project" checkbox do? As I understand it, Gradle creates POM files for every Maven publication artifact, so this box should always be checked for Maven-style builds. Is this correct?
Yes, you are correct. The POM file is created and uploaded. You can see the POM file in your path.
For more information you can always check the central repositories guide.