My iOS app update just got declined due to the fact that we are prompting users to register before they purchase a subscription.
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
We noticed that your app requires users to register with personal information to purchase non account-based in-app purchase products, which does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Apps cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app content and features that are not associated specifically to the user.
Next Steps
User registration that requires the sharing of personal information must be optional or tied to account-specific functionality.
To resolve this issue, please make it clear to the user that registering will enable them to access the content from any of their iOS devices and provide them a way to register at any time, if they wish to later extend access to additional iOS devices.
Please note that although guideline 3.1.2 of the App Store Review Guidelines requires an app to make subscription content available to all the iOS devices owned by a single user, it is not appropriate to force user registration to meet this requirement; such user registration must be made optional.
Ok.... I understand they are trying to make the best experience for the user, but the final requirement seems contradicting.
Does anyone know how I'm supposed to provide the subscription content available to all iOS devices for a single user, without requiring them to create a user? How can I make content available to the user across all of their devices if there is no user account?
This is directly related to apple updating their guidelines.
Apps that authenticate or set up user accounts must support Sign in with Apple if required by guideline 4.8 of the App Store Review Guidelines.
I’m not exactly sure when they made this update. But I recurved and email on 3/27/2020 stating that they had extended the deadline for apps to implement this change until 6/30/2020