I would like to extract Date base on T-1 only for weekday which is Monday to Friday. Currently I have 2 separate bot running. First bot if today is Monday, it will capture last Friday's date. And second bot is for Tuesday-Friday.
How can I add calculation or decision, where If today=Monday then T-3 else T-1. I would like to maintain just 1 bot.
Any such calculation able to apply in blue prism?
Or any other suggestion?
You can use the built-in function called FormatDate
The function accepts two parameters, first being the date you want to format and the second being the date format: FormatDate("30 03 2020", "yyyy-MM-dd")
returns 2020-30-03
You can use the format to return only the weekday, for example:
FormatDate("30 032020", "ddd")
returns Mon
FormatDate("30 032020", "dddd")
returns Monday